Key Documents

LPC Constitution

The LPC Constitution is the document by which the LPC conducts its business.  It includes essential information about the duties of the LPC and its members and includes sections on, appointment and election to the committee, governance and finance.  The view the entire document, please click on the link below.

Community Pharmacy Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC Constitution & Rules  (Adopted by the LPC committee during an SGM – January 2023)

Code of Conduct and Confidentiality

LPC Members are required to sign a code of conduct document and confidentiality agreement when accepting a position on the committee.  In addition, they are required to sign an Annual Declaration of Interest.  If you would like to see any of our members declarations of Interest forms, please contact our Business Support Officer, Jess Bibby.

The documents can be viewed below:

Code of Conduct for Committee Members

Confidentiality Agreement

Declaration of Interest