Hypertension Case Finding Service
Many thanks to those who attended the recent Cheshire & Mersey Hypertension Case Finding Service Webinar.
You can view the slides from this event by clicking on the following link: Hypertension Webinar Slides
You can view this webinar on YouTube via the following link: https://youtu.be/uuNkA2xejWE
Further Information, including resources can be found on the PSNC Page
Hypertension Case Finding Service – GP referrals and local process reminder
GPs can refer a range of patients for either clinic blood pressure checks or ABPM, patients can be undiagnosed or already receiving treatment for hypertension e.g. contraceptive pill checks, HRT checks, QOF indicators that require a BP reading.
Patients who have been excluded from the local referral pathway are:
- Patients with a diagnosis of AF
- People unable to give consent to participate
If a patient with AF is referred into the service please refer them back to their GP practice and contact the GP practice to remind them of the exclusion.
Pharmacists must follow the local pathway for blood pressure outcomes which result from GP referrals which can be found below. This pathway has been developed in conjunction with the LPC, NHSE&I and has been approved by the Cheshire and Merseyside Cardio Vascular Board.
Cheshire and Mersey GP Referral Process-Final
Hypertension Case Finding Service – what to do if an Irregular pulse is identified
We are aware that there may be some confusion as to the appropriate steps to be followed if a clinic blood pressure check identifies the patient has an irregular pulse.
The Hypertension Case finding service specification includes a number of clinical outcomes depending on the blood pressure which is identified. It also includes actions to be taken if an irregular pulse is identified. In this instance the service specification states that if a second reading taken after 5 minutes still indicates an irregular pulse then the patient should be urgently referred to their GP practice the same day as per the process for very high blood pressure.
Please ensure that the patient outcomes are recorded appropriately on the PharmOutcomes template and that the GP practice is contacted.
PharmOutcomes has produced a training video for the service which can be accessed at : https://media.pharmoutcomes.org/video.php?name=NationalHypertensionCaseFindingService
Hypertension Case Finding Service – GP referrals and local process reminder
GPs can refer a range of patients for either clinic blood pressure checks or ABPM, patients can be undiagnosed or already receiving treatment for hypertension e.g. contraceptive pill checks, HRT checks, QOF indicators that require a BP reading.
Patients who have been excluded from the local referral pathway are:
- Patients with a diagnosis of AF
- People unable to give consent to participate
If a patient with AF is referred into the service please refer them back to their GP practice and contact the GP practice to remind them of the exclusion.