NHS Service Finder
NHS Service Finder Beta is a free to use web-based search tool, provided by NHS Digital. It is designed to help facilitate conversations between Health Care Professionals by making it easier to find reliable information about healthcare services.
It is available to all who are involved in delivering patient care.
Why should I use NHS Service Finder Beta?
- Anyone who works in a Pharmacy can use it, to look up service information. It is not limited to Pharmacists.
- Any Pharmacy user can search for e.g. Another NUMSAS Pharmacy, GP In Hours or GP Out of Hours, Urgent Treatment Centres and other local Community Services.
- It has very useful non-public phone numbers. This means back door numbers for GPs, NHS111, Urgent care services etc. No waiting in a queue Helpful when getting in contact with GP Services such as GP Out Hours.
- It allows Pharmacy users to find other pharmacies offering other services such as Smoking Cessation, Minor Ailments Schemes, and Emergency Hormonal Contraception etc.
All the information on NHS Service Finder Beta is quality assured, updated regularly and includes information that you will never find using other web-based search tools.The vast majority of the information comes via the Directory of Services (DoS) and from NHS.UK(formerly known as NHS Choices) – so make sure your profiles are up to date.
How can I get access to NHS Service Finder or further information?
Registering for an account for NHS Service Finder can be completed by clicking here or via the following address: https://finder.directoryofservices.nhs.uk
If you are a Pharmacy contractor and need any help registering or want further information (including demonstrations at your own organisation) please contact:
NHS England & NHS Improvement North West (Cheshire and Merseyside) Pharmacy team- Nicki Standeven or Kathy Smith
Email: england.cmpharmacy@nhs.net
Telephone 0113 825 3536
To ensure service finder works correctly please ensure your DoS profile is correct.
Please go into service finder and check your own profile to ensure the information and services you provide are correct.